I won’t play
Stasi prison July 27, 1985
Interrogation room.
“SG 1240.”
“You behave here and nothing will happen.
You misbehave and you’ll have a horrible time.”
Not sure what he means by that.
Guards wear navy blue uniforms.
Ours are dark green, run down with yellow stripes.
The guy is as cold and as distanced as a human can be to another.
“Why are you here?”
I guess he wants to classify me.
“Are you a trouble maker SG1240?!”
Two hours story telling.
Why should I hold back?
“I don’t care about your rules!
This is not my country. I didn’t ask to be born here and to be locked up between your fences and land mines at the borders. I’m a free human being and I will live free and speak my mind. Go ahead and waste your lives, I don’t care. Mine won’t be wasted here.
Of course I’ll team up with like minded blokes.
No, I will never be re-integrated!
I’ll rather die!”
Interrogation and introduction protocol from my Stasi files that I optained in the 90s.
"Very stubborn...rejects re-integration...might act against the state laws again...wants to be negative...explicitly arrogant and provocative...rejects the order in the prison...only cares about like minded people and topics...eloquent...might try to report about the facility and issues..."
Other than the Schubert gang he doesn’t try to challenge or 'coach' me.
This is a sampling exercise.
I’m a bitter specimen!
*Testimony -> Start. This blog entry is part of a linear narrated testimony of the contemporary witness Jens Thieme who was imprisoned 1985-1986 as a political prisoner in various GDR prisons by the GDR Ministry of State Security. Stasi prison, Stasi jail, Stasi detention.