Empty years
Stasi prison January 27, 1986
Played chess all day yesterday.
As long as I had some light.
Getting used to the cold.
Most importantly: I’m getting used to the wooden board I sleep on.
Must have slept through half the night after a rough hour or two.
Started playing self invented theater pieces and wrote a poem.
Jens Thieme poem "leerjahre" from his book: 'Kopfgeburt'.
Stomach cramps from the hunger.
Or is there a bug coming on?
No guards showing up.
Haven’t seen daylight in a week.
Haven’t smelled fresh air either.
But I kept my fighting spirit up.
Workout after breakfast.
Theater and chess.
Workout at night.
It’s the new routine.
In a locked-away life.
Forgotten by the world.
*Testimony -> Start. This blog entry is part of a linear narrated testimony of the contemporary witness Jens Thieme who was imprisoned 1985-1986 as a political prisoner in various GDR prisons by the GDR Ministry of State Security. Stasi prison, Stasi jail, Stasi detention.