§214, swastikas, hammers, compass and chicken
Stasi prison May 09, 1985
Another Thursday.
Shower day.
Can’t wait.
Yesterday we had spectacular food again.
May 8 was put back into the public holiday list for the 40th anniversary.
I hate being forced to accept their celebratory advancements but this one I gladly celebrate.
It’s too frustrating though that the Hitler regime that was successfully sent to hell 40 years ago was replaced by another repressive one.
I will confront Baby Schubert today, see what he will have to say.
He should be rested after a day off.
“Just 4 years after the Nazi regime was finished, this state adopted many of the structures and methods of that regime.”
“Like which?”
“Hitler Jugend replaced by FDJ, SA replaced by state militia, swastika replaced by hammer and compass, killing free speech, etc.”
“You got really brain washed by Western media.”
“Is this all you have to say?”
Baby Schubert makes a rare attempt to respond to my inquiries.
Most of the time he just labels them provocations.
Not that I would actually expect anything smart.
“An orderly society requires structure. To follow our mandate to instill peace in the world everyone is asked to join.”
“You don’t allow the people to use their mind and opinion. How’s that peaceful?”
“It is. With our socialist ways there will never be war anymore in Germany.”
The discussion goes on senselessly for a while.
Baby Schubert turns to another repetition.
The whole story prior April 14 again.
This time he explains §214 in more detail though.
I guess we are getting into gears to formulate a charge.
This is from Baby Schubert's handwritten interrogation script. I obtained it in the early 90's from my Stasi file.
Preparing the charge the investigation revolves around §214, Impairment of state and social activity.
'§214 StGB-GDR: "Impediment of social and state activity: Disrespect for the law in a manner endangering public order...". (1) Wer gegen Bürger wegen ihrer staatlichen oder gesellschaftlichen Tätigkeit mit Tätlichkeiten vorgeht oder solche androht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Verurteilung auf Bewährung, Geldstrafe oder mit öffentlichem Tadel bestraft.'
It’s what we call the ‘rubber paragraph’.
Tell your boss that he’s a moron (he’s assigned by the state) - busted.
Write a letter to Erich Honecker and giving him a piece of your mind - busted.
In my case: yeah!
Guilty as charged.
Let’s get it over with.
There is still §219 looming.
Wonder how and when we will go down that road.
And if it will double my time in here to enjoy chicken and mashed potatos whenever communists celebrate.
*Testimony -> Start. This blog entry is part of a linear narrated testimony of the contemporary witness Jens Thieme who was imprisoned 1985-1986 as a political prisoner in various GDR prisons by the GDR Ministry of State Security. Stasi prison, Stasi jail, Stasi detention.