Marketing > Marketing Communications & Campaigns > Media Mix Selection & Media Targeting

Media Mix Selection & Media Targeting

Customers with varying needs and preferences can be targeted in the market place through a variety of media and channels.

Understand as many buying behaviors as possible to meet customers at the right time, in the right place, with the right message. A one-size-fits-all sales approach may generate some business, but it is neither sustainable nor does it take full advantage of the buying power out there.

Media Mix Selection & Media Targeting B2B Marketing Practice Guide. Make it Work

Buying models and virtual personae can simplify and visualize how customers purchase and why. A rigorous and powerful performance management for the media targeting is a must to adjust the investment into the channel strategies

Buying Models

Modeling the buying process a customer goes through is an effective way to understand how to support or control the buying process. Identifying where the customer requires expertise and support offers opportunities to close the sale and build trust.

Channel Selection Strategies

Depending on industry and type of business the right focus on the most promising sales channels is of great influence. Meeting potential clients through the right channels shortens the buying process significantly.

Performance Measurements

To enable continuous improvement and to gather ongoing support for the media mix investments the ROI is a much needed equation.What gets measured gets managed.

Media Mix & Media Targeting Overview:

In a competitive B2B environment, impactful marketing campaigns are key to business success. This section illuminates core aspects such as media mix selection, targeting, buying models, channel strategies, and performance metrics.

Media Mix:

The media mix encompasses diverse channels for delivering your marketing messages. The strategic selection of this mix hinges on alignment with your target audience and budget. Steps include:

Audience Understanding: Research your audience's habits to identify optimal channels like industry websites, social media, or trade events.

Channel Effectiveness: Gauge channel potential based on reach, cost-effectiveness, and audience fit.

Marketing Funnel Alignment: Identify channels best suited for different funnel stages, from awareness (content marketing) to decision-making (personalized emails).

Media Targeting:

After identifying the right media mix, focus on segmenting your audience for precise targeting. Strategies include:

Segmentation: Categorize your audience by industry, company size, or job title and deliver personalized messages via targeted emails or account-based marketing.

Retargeting: Utilize tracking pixels to serve ads to prior website visitors, reinforcing brand engagement.

Buying Models:

Understanding B2B buying models informs your message delivery throughout the buyer journey. Models include:

Straight Rebuy: Focus on customer retention and support for repeat purchases.

Modified Rebuy: Address changing customer needs and market conditions by emphasizing your unique value proposition.

Channel Strategies:

Selecting the ideal channels maximizes campaign effectiveness.

Multi-Channel: Enhance reach by combining online (social media, emails) and offline channels (trade shows, direct mail).

Performance Metrics:

Measuring marketing impact requires key metrics.

KPIs: Define metrics like lead generation, conversion rates, or ROI to evaluate campaign performance.

A/B Testing: Compare elements like email subject lines or landing pages to optimize for higher engagement.

Analytics Tools: Use tools like Google Analytics for in-depth performance insights.


In B2B marketing, strategic media mix and targeted messaging are vital. By incorporating buying models, channel selection, and performance metrics, you can enhance the ROI of your campaigns. Continual data-driven optimization keeps you competitive.

Recap: Meet customers at the right time in the right place with the right message. with a careful media mix selection and measure the success of your media buying models.

Marketing > Marketing Communications & Campaigns > Media Mix Selection & Media Targeting