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Customer Insight - Website User Personas and User Journeys

For identifying and characterizing website user personas and defining their user story, or user journey you need insight into their environment, tasks and wants. Artificial intelligence can do a lot of the legwork here as well and it can fill some gaps.

Preparation - what you need to get started

  • chatGPT (I used GPT-4 August 3 Version) or Bard or similar LLM (large language model - a machine learning term) chat bot.

  • A clear understanding what you want to use the personas and user jorneys for. Perhaps for websie development, UX tasks or simply to understand your users better.

The prompt template - replace the variables

Create a detailed user persona for a [Product/Service]. Include demographics such as [Age, Occupation, etc.], motivations [such as...], goals [such as...], and pain points [such as...].

Map out a detailed user journey for someone using [Product/Service]. Include touchpoints like [Website Visit, Customer Service Call, etc.], emotions they might experience [such as...], and actions they would take [such as...]. Respond with [a detailed analysis and rin-depth ecommendations to interact with persona and support them at every step (multiple sessions) or a summary (single session)].

Example - prompt individualized

Create a detailed user persona for a [virucidal coating application on glass]. Include demographics such as [28-55, medical equipment integrators, lap installations designers, etc.], motivations [such as inventing new functions for lap equipment and for medical procedures], goals [such as significant virucidal effects], and pain points [such as cost, integrateability with existing equipment].

Map out a detailed user journey for someone using [virucidal coating application on glass]. Include touchpoints like [Conference Papers, Medical Magazine Articles, Website Visit, Customer Service Call, Social Media Campaigns, etc.], emotions they might experience [such as excitement to pioneer new solutions for wellbeing of patients and supporting medical staff in their eagerness to keep a risk free environment], and actions they would take [such as research, develop, testl present]. Respond with [a detailed analysis and rin-depth ecommendations to interact with persona and support them at every step (multiple sessions)].

Result - persona example with user journey (re-prompt chatGPT with “go on” to receive additional examples)

User Persona: Dr. Lauren Mitchell


Age: 42

Profession: Medical Equipment Integrator

Secondary Role: Lab Installation Designer

Education: Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering

Location: Seattle, WA

Industry: Medical Research & Equipment Development


Continuous innovation and finding new functionalities for lab equipment to enhance diagnostic capabilities.

Improving safety measures for medical procedures through the integration of advanced materials and technologies.

Staying at the forefront of medical technology advancements.


Achieve significant virucidal effects to protect both patients and healthcare workers.

Implement effective solutions that can be seamlessly integrated into existing lab setups and medical procedures.

Reduce the transmission risk associated with medical environments.

Pain Points:

Balancing costs of new technologies while ensuring efficacy.

Ensuring compatibility and ease of integration with existing equipment without requiring massive overhauls.

Keeping up with rapid technological advancements and ensuring investments in technology remain relevant.

User Journey for Dr. Lauren Mitchell with Virucidal Coating Application on Glass:


Touchpoint: Reads a conference paper discussing the potential of virucidal coatings.

Emotion: Intrigue; sees the potential to improve patient and staff safety.

Action: Begins initial research on the topic; searches for more information online.


Touchpoint: Comes across medical magazine articles showcasing successful implementations.

Emotion: Excitement about pioneering new solutions for the wellbeing of patients.

Action: Delves deeper into the specifics, looking for potential suppliers or developers.


Touchpoint: Visits websites of leading virucidal coating developers.

Emotion: Optimism mixed with caution; she needs to weigh the benefits against potential challenges.

Action: Downloads product specifications, reviews testimonials, and requests more detailed information.


Touchpoint: Engages with a social media campaign promoting a particular virucidal coating solution.

Emotion: Eagerness to make a meaningful change in her medical environment.

Action: Engages with the community, asking for feedback from peers and those who have tried the solution.


Touchpoint: Makes a customer service call to clarify doubts and gather more insights.

Emotion: Anticipation; she’s about to make a decision that could redefine her lab's safety standards.

Action: Requests a sample for testing and integrates it into a small-scale trial within her lab.


Touchpoint: Begins testing and integration processes.

Emotion: Determination; she’s keen on observing results and ensuring everything goes smoothly.

Action: Monitors the implementation closely, checks for compatibility issues, and gauges efficacy.


Touchpoint: Presents findings at a medical conference.

Emotion: Pride; she's made a meaningful contribution to medical safety.

Action: Shares the results, provides recommendations, and fosters collaboration for future improvements.

Recommendations to Interact with Dr. Lauren Mitchell and Support Her Journey:

Awareness: Ensure that conference papers and initial touchpoints are filled with rich, accessible information. Use clear language, compelling statistics, and provide practical benefits.

Interest: Regularly publish articles and case studies in reputable medical journals. Make these studies relatable, emphasizing real-world impacts.

Consideration: Optimize websites for easy navigation. Provide easily accessible resources like white papers, product specs, and video demonstrations.

Intent: Engage actively on social media. Respond to inquiries promptly and maintain an active dialogue with the medical community. Host webinars or virtual Q&A sessions to provide deeper insights.

Decision: Train customer service representatives specifically on the nuances of the virucidal coating to ensure they can answer technical questions and provide necessary support. Offer flexible sample or trial options.

Implementation: Provide thorough user manuals and guides. Offer online training sessions or workshops for labs intending to implement the coating solution.

Feedback: Engage with medical professionals who have integrated the solution. Provide them with platforms to share their experiences, and be open to feedback to continuously improve.

Supporting Dr. Lauren Mitchell at each step ensures not only her satisfaction but also lays the groundwork for future collaborations and advancements in the field.

You can now further refine the persona and the aproach based on internal experience.

Marketing > Insightologist Insightologist® > Customer Insight - Website User Personas and User Journeys